Of course, in this case, the person who picked out my gift knew absolutely nothing about me. It made sense that I would help her out. This gift was received as a part of the Book Blogger Holiday Swap, a project that matches up book bloggers from around the world in a sort of Secret Santa arrangement. My “Secret Santa” was Tina (Bookshipper) from Montreal, and she went above and beyond my list. In addition to two books I asked for, she included a notebook, French bookmarks, Belgian chocolates, and a book by Montreal author Mordecai Richler.  The gift that I sent (to someone also named Tina) had to travel a bit further (the Philippines), and I’m not sure if it has made it yet. For the benefit of anyone else who plans on buying me a gift, I am providing a list of three book-themed gifts that I would love to receive.  You are reading the list. That counts as putting thought into the gift, right? The Nook Color – I lost my beloved Nook Color a few months ago, along with the gigantic purse that it was in.  It even had a special hand-made cover (courtesy of Jennifer, The Literate Housewife). I was heartbroken.  A couple of weeks later, a friend gave me a hand-me-down iPhone 3GS, so I’ve been doing some reading on it, but it is just not the same.  I miss my Nook. The Penguin Spines Notebook – I am really loving all the new merchandise that Penguin Books is putting out right now.  I am well-known for always having a notebook (and a bottle of Mountain Dew) in my giant purse, and this is the one that I would like to have for the new year. The Night Circus – There is only one book event from the past year that I was really, really upset about missing, and that is Erin Morgenstern’s visit to Murder By the Book.  Houston has wonderful book events (which I will be writing about on my blog next week), and I am very sad that I had to miss out on getting a personalized copy for my collection. They still have signed copies, though, and I would love to have one.

 What do you want for Christmas   - 19 What do you want for Christmas   - 57 What do you want for Christmas   - 90