“Jimenez, alongside four administrators from her Facebook group, made sure the books reached all 116 participants, with four books sent within the United States and one in Canada, and were being sent in a timely manner. While Jimenez expected some of the copies to be lost or damaged, and set aside five of her stash for such eventualities, only one was needed. “The readers were incredibly grateful and respectful of the program and all five books, with the exception of one that I swapped out almost at the end because the spine was breaking, made it to the finish line,” she explained. The books made it 101,191 miles over the course of four months, with the program wrapping up two weeks prior to the novel’s publication date.” It’s the Personhood of the Traveling Galleys! “Each care package Leah assembles takes the buyer’s likes and dislikes into account, offering them handpicked selections and extra swag, such as bookmarks, candles, hats, and socks. She’s already sent out more than 700 of these book bundles, in addition to standard online orders, in the few weeks the store has been closed to foot-traffic. At the time of this writing, there is a 500-person waiting list for care packages.” A round of romantic applause for the Koch sisters! “The filmmaker Bong Joon Ho uses a distinctly intricate form of storyboarding. For Parasite, the 2020 Oscar winner for Best Picture, he sketched nearly every shot that would find its way into the final film, pairing the images with dialogue from the screenplay and creating, in the process, a graphic novel of Parasite. That graphic novel is now being released in book form with an introduction from the direction. In the following scene, the climactic party begins at the Park family house, and Ki-woo wonders if he belongs.” Check out an excerpt here!